Critically reflect on your leadership and management skills linking to the incident Conclusion and summary of future actions

I’m In level 6 final year studying nursing

This assignment briefing sheet covers: Coursework 2: Reflective Essay
Feedback Method: Online
Intended learning outcomes being assessed:
Intended Learning Outcome 6: Demonstrate reflexive skills which contribute to professional development with a commitment to exploring and developing the evidence base for the benefit of clients and nursing practice.
Overview of assignment:
Overview of Assignment:
A written reflective essay that demonstrates and articulates a developing understanding of professional knowledge and skills in relation to practice learning during your year three practice placements and preparation for the role of registered nurse.
Linking to Domain 4: Leadership, Management and Team Working and the generic standard for competence.
“All nurses must be professionally accountable, managing themselves and others effectively”.
Using a reflective model of your choice you need to critically reflect on an incident in Year 3 practice when you have demonstrated leadership and management skills in order to meet one of the competencies within the domain. Domain 4
The suggested structure of the essay is as follows:
Introduction: brief description of the chosen incident and the reflective model chosen:
(300 words approx)
Critically reflect on your leadership and management skills linking to the incident
Conclusion and summary of future actions
Overview of Assignment:
A written reflective essay that demonstrates and articulates a developing understanding of professional knowledge and skills in relation to practice learning during your year three practice placements and preparation for the role of registered nurse.
Linking to Domain 4: Leadership, Management and Team Working and the generic standard for competence.
“All nurses must be professionally accountable, managing themselves and others effectively”.
Using a reflective model of your choice you need to critically reflect on an incident in Year 3 practice when you have demonstrated leadership and management skills in order to meet one of the competencies within the domain.
The suggested structure of the essay is as follows:
Introduction: brief description of the chosen incident and the reflective model chosen:
(300 words approx)
Critically reflect on your leadership and management skills linking to the incident
Conclusion and summary of future actions

Submission format:
Electronic submission of an essay with a word count of 1,500 words