What is the thesis of the visual argument? What kind of claim is it making? Fact? Value? Judgment? Policy?

Visual Analysis Essay

Analyze its thesis, argument and rhetorical elements.

Advertising Agency: Terremoto Propaganda, Curitiba, Brazil

Include the answers to these questions in your essay:

What is the thesis of the visual argument? What kind of claim is it making? Fact? Value? Judgment? Policy?

Who is the target audience?

What is the context in which this photo is meaningful?

What effects (color, font, lighting, focus, etc.) contributes to reinforcement of the message of the image? What is the relation between the visual and textual (if any) part of the picture?

Are there any specific rhetorical strategies used here? Understatement, exaggeration, irony, humor, etc.?

What rhetorical appeals are applied in the picture (pathos, logos, ethos)?