Assignment Details
In this discussion, you will explore the use of inferential and descriptive analysis in public safety agencies effecting the criminal justice system. Selecting 2 different public safety agencies that involve the criminal justice system, find 1 example displaying the use of descriptive data and 1 example reflecting inferential analysis. In 2 paragraphs, you will introduce your examples to the class, name the type of analysis undertaken, and suggest other types of statistical analysis that could be undertaken with these data or by including other data.
The specific steps are as follows:
Engage in independent research, and find 2 different public safety agencies effecting the criminal justice system, using statistical analysis.
Of your selected examples, 1 example must reflect the use of descriptive data and 1 must be an example of inferential analysis.
Write a post introducing this research to your classmates.
Engage in a discussion with your classmates on the diverse types of statistical analysis and how they are used to improve public safety that will effect the criminal justice system.
**Please use U.S. references if at all possible. Here are some references as well. Thank you
Doing Research in the Real World textbook:
Chapter 24: Analysing and Presenting Quantitative Data
Chapter 26: Analysing and Presenting Qualitative Data
Chapter 27: Writing Up the Research
Doing Research in the Real World by David E Gray Published by SAGE Publications