What are the similarities and differences when applying Kantian ethics and Utilitarian ethics to evaluate Alex’s decision?

In a two-page typed short essay answer all parts of the question below. Develop your answers using the relevant readings and/or lecture notes.

Outcome: Compare and contrast Utilitarian and Kantian moral reasoning.
See the assessment rubric below for outcome criteria, expectations, and performance point ratings.
Alex promised her spouse that if she died first she would visit her grave every anniversary. Alex’s spouse died and she moved to another state. At first Alex visited her spouse’s grave every anniversary as promised. But the trip has become increasingly difficult as Alex has gotten older. It’s become increasingly hard as Alex struggles with health difficulties and affording the cost to travel. As a utilitarian, Alex does a quick hedonic calculus and determines that taking these annual trips creates more displeasure than pleasure so Alex decides to not doing it anymore.

(1) Is Alex doing the “right thing” according to the utilitarian moral principle? Explain your answer.

(2) How would the application of Kantian ethics affect Alex’s decision?

(3) What are the similarities and differences when applying Kantian ethics and Utilitarian ethics to evaluate Alex’s decision?