Explain why counterintelligence is important to homeland security (HLS).

Part 1

What are the primary objectives of counterintelligence, and why is it so important? Complete the following tasks:

Summarize the primary objectives of counterintelligence.
Explain why counterintelligence is important to homeland security (HLS).

Part 2

There are 18 fusion center guidelines as established by the Department of Justice. Select 3 of the 18 guidelines, and complete the following:

Clearly define and explain the significance of each guideline.

Summarize how each of the 3 chosen guidelines relates to fusion center capabilities and management.

See the following resources that can assist you with the Week 3 Assignments:

Counter terrorism – U.S. Department of Homeland Security
The counter terrorism section of the DHS website is dedicated to counter terrorism programs and recent efforts by the federal government. In addition, the site provides counter terrorism resources such as various publications and international activities
Justice Information Sharing – U.S. Department of Justice
The U.S. Department of Justice – Office of Justice Programs on Information Sharing has a vast amount of resources that assist in promoting information sharing.

National Counter terrorism Center (NCTC)
The NCTC home website contains a variety of intelligence related information such as legislation, fact sheets, interviews, speeches and testimony, and the annual report on terrorism (Click Press room, scroll down to Legislation and you will see The Intelligence Reform and Prevention Act of 2004).