Discuss How do conscious and unconscious biases against Ireland and the Irish affect the way each cartographer and chorographer depicts and describes Ireland?

Based on your reading of Helgerson, Andrews, and Norden write a 4-5 page (12 point, double-spaced) essay answering any one of the below questions:

The purpose of each individual’s maps vary depending on the motive, sources, and personal bias of the maker. How do conscious and unconscious biases against Ireland and the Irish affect the way each cartographer and chorographer depicts and describes Ireland?
What choices made by the author cause an essential form of a map to stray from being ideologically neutral and void of connotation? How does it influence the map and its uses?
How do the patronage relations of cartographers and chorographers affect the ultimate impact that the map can have on its users, the quality, content, and usage of the maps? What effect does a map have on nationalism?