Explain Do these make sense to you? Is there anything on this list that surprised you at all or that you hadn’t thought of before?

I. Answer the following questions:

1. IN YOUR OWN WORDS, what is plagiarism?

2. Explain the difference between intentional and unintentional plagiarism by giving some specific examples of each.

3. Is there anything you don’t understand about plagiarism, or that seems confusing?

II. You should be aware of Student Handbook, specifically the Code of Conduct section(Upload File), which includes a section on Academic Dishonesty. Scroll down to read about Academic Dishonesty and what that entails. Then continue reading to where it says Student Conduct Procedures to read the Discipline for Academic Dishonesty. Answer the following questions:

1. What actions fall under the heading of “academic dishonesty”?

2. Do these make sense to you? Is there anything on this list that surprised you at all or that you hadn’t thought of before?

3. If you were to get caught plagiarizing in a class, according to the section on Discipline for Academic Dishonesty, what could potentially happen? Do you think other things could happen if you were caught plagiarizing?