Research and understand the social and political conditions that led to this genocide,What is important to understand about it? Are there causes and consequences that have not been fully understood? What can we learn from this example about prevention?

This assignment is consist of two parts. PART: A, Power Point PRESENTATION about 200-400 words length and PART: B, Power Point PRESENTATION SCRIPT of 1500 word/ length count.his assessment is aimed at developing your independent research skills across a range of different source types, and at developing a more geo-politically grounded exploration of genocide. As such it moves forward (while still drawing insights) from the foundational conceptual/theoretical issues focused to explore a geo-politically grounded case study in-depth.
Student will conduct in-depth research and present a pre-recorded or live audio-visual presentation on the Armenian. You will need to research and understand the social and political conditions that led to this genocide, and present an argument about the causes, consequences, and implications of this genocide. What is important to understand about it? Are there causes and consequences that have not been fully understood? What can we learn from this example about prevention?

Student must choose a focus/angle to their case study. This is to ensure depth and analysis rather than breadth and description. For example, you may wish to focus on how current definitions of genocide have not been able to fully account for aspects of this genocide that are significant for understanding and addressing it, or on questions of justice or community cohesion following the genocide and how it both reflects and reinforces the politics of genocide. This focus should crystallise into a key thesis/argument about the genocide case study, which the student will be presented as part of the presentation.
• Make sure you have a focus and argument that is based on research (i.e. first do the research and then decide what to focus on and your argument)