What is a primary purpose of a research question in the empirical research process?

1)Which of the following is NOT an aspectof theempirical research process?a)Hypotheses b)Research Question c)Conducting surveys d)Theory

2)Which of the following best describes the term epistemology? a)The study of political science and the broader social sciences b)The theory of how knowledge is createdc)The study of how theories are falsified in scientific researchd)The theory of how research is replicated by other scholars

3)Which of the following is NOT a primary purpose of conducting a literature review?a)Finding the one correct explanation for a phenomenon from prior researchb)Helping the researcherto figure out aresearch topic they may be interested in studyingc)Identifying the normative aspects of the existing research on a topicd)Demonstrating abroad knowledge of existing research and how current projectbuilds on this literature

4)Which of thefollowing is an example of a researchproject that can be considered applied (rather than theoretical)research?a)A project examining thelink between ethnic ties and alliances during the Cold Warb)A project studyingpolling place closings and voter turnout in 2020 primary elections, with findings available prior to the November electionc)A project examining the relationship between membership in regional trade organizations and voting patterns at the United Nationsd)A project studying the connection between countries’colonialhistory and developmentof democracy

5)Which of the following is an example of a normative statement?a)The presence of foreign occupying troops increasescitizen dissatisfaction with thegovernmentb)Greater levels of education are associated with higher paying jobs and fulfilling careers
c)The higher the level of misguided government spending onforeign militaryintervention, the more citizens should vote against incumbent politiciansd)The greaterthe level of access tosocialwelfare programs, the more likely students from low-income families are to attain a high schooldegree

6)Which of the following is NOT aprimaryelement of empiricism?a)Falsifiabilityb)Epistemologyc)Generalizabilityd)Parsimony

7)The greater the level of a country’s per capita income, the lower the likelihood of civil war occurring in that country.The preceding statement is an example of which of the following?a)A research question b)A theory c)A normative statement d)A hypothesis

8)What is a primary purpose of a research question in the empirical research process?

9)Why is the development of theory considered critically important to empirical research?

10)Which of the following best describes the feasibility of experiments in political science?a)Experimental conditionsare impossible to createout in any research context

b)Experiments can be used, but only in the field of American Politics c)Experiments can and should be used for every empirical research project d)Experimental conditions are difficult to create, but are possible in some research contexts