Read the following:
Berle & Means on Corporations (PDF attached)
Corporate Tax Payers & Corporate Tax Dodgers (PDF attached)
“Bigger Than Enron” on Youtube at:
The video is 20 years old but it provides a great, compact summary of important interactions/relationships between corporations and the U.S. democratic institutions, including Congress, the Executive branch, and a variety of important regulatory bodies. Issues raised in the video are both anticipated in Berle and Means’ writing and foreshadow the events of 2008 (see Inside Job and The Big Short (links in Session) for entertaining (and startling!) accounts of what happened in 2008).
Summarize the principle issues that Berle and Means were most concerned about in terms of the relationship between corporations and other sectors of society and internally, in terms of the different groups of people who make up a corporation. Then explain – with reference to Enron case and other indicators (from readings in the session and current events you’re aware of) the relevance of these concerns to our society today.