Explain How is your emerging philosophy informed by theories and philosophies of early childhood education?

4-5 minutes long
Your presentation should explain your emerging philosophy and how this links with theories we have learned about in this unit. You need to consider the way in which the historical and philosophical underpinnings of early childhood inform your understanding of children, early childhood and the role of the educator. Your presentation should be supported by literature and therefore must be appropriately referenced. The presentation should consider the following questions:

How is your emerging philosophy informed by theories and philosophies of early childhood education?
How have historical understandings of early childhood education informed your emerging philosophy?
How does your emerging philosophy resemble or differ from the ideas and beliefs that were contained in your initial video presentation stating why you chose to pursue early childhood education as a career?

You are welcome to be creative with this presentation, try to avoid a solid 10 minutes of talking ‘at’ the audience. Use props, create a poster, create a PowerPoint with images, make a piece of art to support your philosophy, etc. You must use readings from the unit (you may use resources outside of the reading list but this is not essential). Cite and reference according to Harvard style. See Harvard Referencing Style Guide for details.