What aspect of neuroscience is addressed in the paper?,What methods were used to conduct the study?

To receive the points, the paper must be peer-reviewed, from a scholarly journal and relate to some aspect of the special topics listed above. In addition, you must briefly explain the relevance of the paper and the findings, answering these questions:
1) What aspect of neuroscience is addressed in the paper?
2) What methods were used to conduct the study?
3) What were the main results (what did they find in one sentence); and
4) What did they conclude from the results (what is the significance of the reported research)? Attach the file link.

2. Submit a peer-reviewed scientific article on some aspect of Neuroanatomy/Neurophysiology
To receive the points, the paper must be peer-reviewed, from a scholarly journal and relate to some aspect of Neuroanatomy/Neurophysiology.  In addition, you must briefly explain the relevance of the paper and the findings, answering these questions:
1) What aspect of neuroscience is addressed in the paper?
2) What methods were used to conduct the study?
3) What were the main results (what did they find in about one sentence)
4) What did they conclude from the results (what is the significance of the reported research)? Attach the file link.

3. Post a link to a study aid that you find useful for studying Neuroanatomy/ Neurophysiology. The link should be to resources other than those suggested by your book.
To receive the points, you must explain why you found the aid useful, the subject to which it pertains, and the link must be functional. Provide the link and explanation in the message box.