“The starving Greek prisoners on transport duty, who are desperate enough to eat rotted, mildewed food, are looked upon as pigs” (explain this quote from the story not the internet).

Explain each quote from the story in paragraph form dealing with animal imagery

1. “The Nazis have “beefy” faces” (explain this quote from the story not the internet).

2. “A female SS officer with a “rat-like” smile “sniffs around” the ramp” (explain this quote from the story not the internet).

3. Another officer complains that the prisoner-workers, stunned by the events, are “standing about like sheep,” (explain this quote from the story not the internet).

4. “The starving Greek prisoners on transport duty, who are desperate enough to eat rotted, mildewed food, are looked upon as pigs” (explain this quote from the story not the internet).

5. “schweinedreck, and “huge human insects” with jaws pumping greedily” (explain this quote from the story not the internet).

6. “Even the trucks that participate in the slaughter transform into “mad dogs.” (explain this quote from the story not the internet).