Define and describe the topic using the information provided in the articles and other sources if necessary (try to secure a comprehensive definition of the topic and identify any classifications, typologies and dimensions e.g. a performance review meeting is defined as … and has the following types … and the first type is made up of the following dimensions …, second type is made up of … etc.).

(Section 1) Define and describe the topic using the information provided in the articles and other sources if necessary (try to secure a comprehensive definition of the topic and identify any classifications, typologies and dimensions e.g. a performance review meeting is defined as … and has the following types … and the first type is made up of the following dimensions …, second type is made up of … etc.).
(Section 2) Identify the key points that the articles are making about the topic and present the information in a series of bulleted statements (suggest that you highlight the key points that the articles are making about conducting a performance review meeting). If necessary, expand briefly on each point to assist the reader in understanding the point being made.
(Section 3) Briefly describe why the topic is important for organizations (what impact will the topic have on our society, organizations, environment etc. – e.g. why are performance review meetings important for organizations). If no direct information is provided then you need to make thoughtful inferences.