Discuss How did the American Revolution impact slavery in the Northern and Southern colonies?

FOUNDATIONS OF AMERICAN HISTORY: From the “First Encounter” to the Civil War 1492-1865 Suffolk County Community College, Online Course Fall, 2020 Dr. Daniel Wishnoff
Discussion Board Question #5 Read pages (237-245; headings “Slavery and the Revolution” to “Daughters of Liberty”) in Chap. 6 of Give Me Liberty! Write your response to the question below in one or two paragraphs of AT LEAST 150 words in length. Post your answers for Discussion Board no later than 11:59 pm Thursday, October 15. Your answers must be derived only from your personal observations, the textbook and the lecture notes. You must refrain from using any outside sources especially from the internet. Any Discussion Board Posts that using an online or other outside source will receive a zero for the assignment. Consider these Posts mini-essays: try to answer the question as succinctly as possible in the first sentence. Be sure to support your arguments with at least TWO examples from the primary source image. To receive full credit for this assignment students are also required to post a comment on ONE Discussion Board Post posted by another student. These comments must be at least two sentences (at least 20 words in length, 12-point type, double spaced). The comments must be posted no later than 11:59 pm Thursday, October 15. Discussion Board Post Question 5: How did the American Revolution impact slavery in the Northern and Southern colonies?