Do the meals appear to fall in line with current food guides giventhat healthy meals are provided at home at other times of the day?What is your estimation of the quality of the meals provided?Explain

Topic 1:​ Kid’s TV – Watch 2 to 3 hours of prime time children’s televisionprogramming.

Analyze the nutrition information presented.

●To what approximate age group is the food advertisementdirected?

●What percent of food versus other items do you see in theadvertisements?

●What is the quality of food advertised?
●What characteristics of children do they exploit?

●What implications could this type of advertising have on our societyas a whole, or on the food choices of children and their parents?

●What could be done differently?Topic 2:​ School breakfast and lunch – Assess the school breakfastand/or lunch quality of a school in your area.

●How did you acquire the menu?

●Does the school offer any kind of nutrient analysis?

●Do the meals appear to fall in line with current food guides giventhat healthy meals are provided at home at other times of the day?What is your estimation of the quality of the meals provided?

●What would you do to improve the quality while still realisticallyconsidering mass production, costs and other factors involved?

●What are the limitations in providing healthy meals at schools?

●Should “junk food” be available or sold at school?Topic 3:​ The Child’s Menu – Assess the quality of the foods on thechildren’s menu of at least three restaurants (not fast food).

●Provide the name of the restaurant and the state location.

●Does the restaurant provide any kind of nutrient content of thefoods?

●What is your opinion of the foods? Is there a way to provide a childa high quality meal without choosing from the kid’s menu butstaying close to the serving size for a child and controlling cost ofthe meal?

●What is the restaurant’s purpose in providing a child’s menu?

●What social or cultural factors could affect the content of a child’smenu, or the popularity of menu items?
Topic 4:​ What our children eat and childhood obesityWatch

What are his conclusions about the American diet and childhood obesity?

Summarize the video and its important points.

What should we be doing differently in schools and homes to reverse this trend?

Topic 5: Getting kids to eat healthier Watch Do a web search and find out some more ways to get kids to eat healthier. What are some of the suggestions from the video recommendations ?

For full credit you should:

●Post your initial discussion within the first 3 days of the unitstarting, and spread your discussion posts on different daysthroughout the duration of the unit (at least 3 different days of theweek).

●Respond to at least 2 other student/instructor postings.

●Demonstrate critical thinking (not just opinion), and refer to thecourse materials or a credible outside source in at least 3 posts.

●Make most discussion posts (including reply posts) three or moreparagraphs, and provide complete citations for references used.