What factors can the skilled nurse manager control through best practices? Give some specific examples.

Week 8 Discussion Questions
Obtain information on the following questions pertaining to a unit budget. Discuss specific examples from your workplace (you can imagine you are working in a nursing unit) to answer the questions below.
What factors on your nursing unit must be considered in a budget? It is not necessary to analyze a specific budget, but there should be an understanding of what is involved in monthly and yearly expenses on a nursing unit.
How might the nurse manager control for variances related to census fluctuations?
How can careful consideration of human resource needs and use and staff selection and retention impact the budget?
What factors can the skilled nurse manager control through best practices? Give some specific examples.
How might healthcare future trends for reimbursement, aging population, and advancing technology expectations from consumers impact the budget?
Note: As always, discussions must be in APA format, as much as possible and contain proper citations. A minimum of two citations are required, and at least one citation must come from a non-course text or reading. Loss of points may occur from failing to do so.