Identify the aspects of NGS, including current and expanding uses, bioinformatics challenges,validation and proficiency, limitations, and issues related to the integration of NGS data into patient care.

it is review resarch I need all part: Abstract, Review of Literature, Method,conclution,with refrences
1- Accurate purpose statement:
-To assess the analytic validity of the Next Generation DNA Sequencing technique as a potential newborn screening for muscular dystrophy disease.
2- Research Objectives:
We addresses the objectives of this review study by using information from peer-reviewed literature:
1-To identify the aspects of NGS, including current and expanding uses, bioinformatics challenges,validation and proficiency, limitations, and issues related to the integration of NGS data into patient care.
2-to describe current pathways that involve the use of genetic testing by using information from the literature include challenges associated with
introducing NGS technologies into routine newborn screnning in saudi arabia.
3- Definition of muscular dystrophy disease and its symptoms
4- Explore the feasibility of a next-generation sequencing (NGS) screening method specifically for muscular dystrophy disease
5- What the Next generation sequencing (NGS) strategies for the genetic testing of myopathies?
3-Measurement of analysis:
-Obtain at least 10 peer-reviewed random studies in Saudi Arabia of next generation DNA sequencing technique in genetic disorders field.