Is Kahlenberg’s use of La Crosse transferable to other communities or cities?Discuss


Hey I had an essay done by you like a month ago or so. And I got a B+ which was awesome. Im hoping Ill get the same or better from this one. The focus is mixing classes Kahlenber which I attached, you can only use those 9 pages of reading to focus on for the essay. Ill also attach the old essay you completed with the criticism from the teacher if you can work on that for this essay, I might even get an A. Hers is the bold text over the essay.

The essay should be three and a half pages at least, and contain information on Mann’s vision of public schools, minorities, and, my final point: Is Kahlenberg’s use of La Crosse transferable to other communities or cities?

write a critical essay using the author’s words to either support or contradict what the author writes.

For example, using the Lottery chapter, your thesis statement could be: Despite the fact that the lottery system should make it fair for all disadvantaged children to attend a charter school, the author demonstrates that acceptance and enrollment at Success Academy depends more on a totally committed parent. This essay will discuss all the hurdles that parents must go through to maintain their status in the school.

You will provide three or more quotations to support the thesis statement. You can list the bullet points at the top of the paper. (parents must read to child, go to meetings, go to Albany, pick child up at…)You can challenge what the author writes by writing that unless parents ARE committed to the child’s education, despite the hardships, the child will not succeed. These disciplined factors promote learning and success and we see that in middle class families.- The reading will be Mixing Classes Kahlenberg and I will attach the readings and the essay will STRICTLY be written on what you read from what I attached.

-ATLEAST 3 Quotations but not too many. We dont want the essay to be composed of mainly quotes.

-Read all the attachments to get a better idea and then the readings as well.

– No outside sources

-Sorry if I came off as rude. Just wanted to make things clear.- NO PLAGIARISM / NO OUTSIDE SOURCES