Discuss the specific topic of the paper and why it is important to society and/or to you personally.

Content page count will be no less than 20 pages and no more than 25 pages.

• Arial 12-point font, double-spaced, standard one-inch margins.

• No graphs or images within the body of the paper (May be used in the Appendix).

• Citations will be standard in-text or parenthetical citations within the paper with a

reference page included at the end. (APA style). (See

• No quote will be more than forty (40) words long.

Elements and Required Organization of Research Paper

1. Introduction (No more than two (2) pages)

• Discuss the specific topic of the paper and why it is important to society

and/or to you personally.

• Summarize the point that you are going to make, the story you are going to

tell, and the various cases you will use to tell your story.

4. Discussion (answer as many as are applicable)

• Describe the specific topic area related to the First Amendment you are


• Describe the conflict(s).

• Describe the history of the issue(s).

• Describe the societal, cultural, technological, legal reasons why the courts

have looked this issue differently throughout history.

• Describe any societal costs of the changes vs. keeping the status quo.

(Societal costs do not mean money)

• Describe the trajectory of this issue in the future.

• If you have one, describe your opinion on this issue. Why did things play out

the way they did? Are the way things happened good or bad? Why? (Not

more than one page and labeled “Opinion”)

5. Conclusion Page

6. Bibliography (Does not go toward page count.)

7. Reference page for the citations (does not go toward page count.)

8. Appendix (optional—Does not go toward page count.)

Note: Headings, subheadings, and proper paragraph use shows good organization