We learned about Canadas Youth Policy and learned about 6 areas that young people consider to be key policy areas, the one I am focusing on is Health and Wellness. This assignment asks that you consider what young people said in the report, and apply it to the creation of a policy response.
and create a small-scale, realistic youth focussed policy response that would address the issue. As indicated in the instructions below, the policy response that you create must include the voices of youth within the development process.
The following components are required:
• APA title page
• Introduction – Provide a clear overview of your paper (1/2 page)
• Research Pertaining to Policy Area – Provide an overview of recent research (2015-
Present) relevant to your policy area and justify WHY this particular issue requires policy attention. For example, if you are creating a policy based on addressing youth violence in Toronto High Schools, include research that discusses how youth are impacted by violence in school and why this area requires policy attention (approximately 2-3 double spaced pages).
• Policy Response Description and Justification – This section should discuss the following: What is the policy that you have created? Who is the policy created for? Why is there a need for this policy (clearly justify your reasoning)? What is the policy intended
to accomplish? (approximately 3 double spaced pages). This section should provide a
complete picture of what your policy is all about and why it is needed.
• Policy Development and Article 12 of the UNCRC- In Canada, policies for young
people should reflect the principles of the UNCRC, including Article 12. How would you include the voices of children and young people in the development of the policy and ensure that Article 12 is being adhered to? Explain how you would ensure that their voices are meaningfully accounted for. Discuss the benefits and challenges of including the voices of youth within your policy design (approximately 3 double spaced pages)
• Conclusion (1/2 page)
• APA reference page