Describe a CIA action from Document 8’s timeline that you have researched online. after learning more about the event from your research, do you agree with Kangas’ view of the true purpose of the CIA during the Cold War? Why, or why not? List examples to support your view.


(Half a page)

Read Chapter 26 from The American Promise, Volume II and write your responses to the questions below in outline format or as a rough draft. Use specific historical examples and details. You must use your own words to describe the events; do not copy from the textbook or other sources.

Explain the policy of containment during the years 1945-1953. List some specific examples of how containment was implemented domestically (within the United States) and how containment was implemented in foreign policy (in the US’s dealings with other countries)? How was this a change from previous domestic and foreign policy in the US?

(Half a page)

Describe a CIA action from Document 8’s timeline that you have researched online. after learning more about the event from your research, do you agree with Kangas’ view of the true purpose of the CIA during the Cold War? Why, or why not? List examples to support your view.

There’s no need to cite your work. No need for a heading either. Please use the documents I uploaded as they contain the answers for these questions.