Identify if and how your clinical organization addresses the above topic. For example, organizational policies (related to mandatory reporting legislation and supports). If the organization does not address this how could they address this topic?

Identify if and how your clinical organization addresses the above topic. For example, organizational policies (related to mandatory reporting legislation and supports). If the organization does not address this how could they address this topic?
Identify how this topic is addressed at both a provincial and federal level. You can look at professional regulatory bodies (CNO), best practice guidelines (RNAO), Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) and Canadian government sites.
Identify how this topic is addressed at a global level. For example, the World Health Organization (WHO), Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) and the International Council of Nurses (ICN).
Think about and identify your personal, social and professional responsibilities for this topic and how this may impact the nurse client therapeutic relationship. How would one’s personal values, beliefs and experiences impact this topic? Were these responsibilities identified and outlined within your clinical organization? Were they addressed by the other organization’s that you researched (nursing professional bodies or Canadian government)?

This assignment is subject to all policies of Centennial College and the Practical Nursing Program Student Handbook. Please refer to the library and learning resources (accessible through our course shell) for APA style guidelines.

A Failing grade will be given for any assignment that contains confidential information about the agency or the client, lack of appropriate references, and/or significant formatting, spelling and grammatical errors.

Grading Rubric for Social Justice Assignment: Unjust practices at a personal, local, national and global level