Explain the advantage of experiencing the work and/or artist first hand as opposed to just seeing pictures of the work



1. List the title, artist, and location of the exhibition where you saw the work and a picture of the work. (5 points)

2. Please write at least 2 sentences for each of the questions below in response to the exhibition that you attended: 10 points

What does the work look like? Give specific details – include a picture as well, but describe it as though I can’t see it. This is a great time to use some of the vocabulary we have learned this semester.

What is the work about? I’m looking for the concept – if it is unclear see if you can find a statement for the exhibition that might give some insight, or explain that it is unclear and take a shot at what you think it might be. Think of what we talked about regarding visual literacy.

What are their materials (media)?

What are your personal reactions to the work? Why do you feel that way?

3. Explain the advantage of experiencing the work and/or artist first hand as opposed to just seeing pictures of the work: 5 points

4. Thoughtful responses, correct grammar/quality of writing: 5 points

Use one of the attached pieces of art