What did you discover? Who is the child? Where are they positioned in the school?

Design of a Positive Behaviour Support Plan

Following on from the FBA (PREVIOUS ORDER) design a positive behaviour support program for a student using the set text as a guide.

Remember to include all relevant program documentation in the report and work through the suggestions in the set text :
Gable, R. (2000). Addressing student problem behavior part III : creating positive behavioral intervention plans and supports. Washington D.C. : American Institutes for research, Center for Effective Collaboration and Practice.

In this report, you should include a section to highlight how the program could be adapted to work in small groups and classes as a whole.
demonstrate positive interventions and positive targets (as well as behaviour reduction objectives) and incorporate social and academic goals wherever possible.

In addition, avoid isolated situations such as withdrawal; instead, aim for meaningful and adaptive skill development in class.

AT3: Marking Criteria
Marking criteria:

Background behavioural assessment information (the student in this assignment will be the same student as in the Functional Behavioural previous order)         /10

Quality of: Development, Implementation and Evaluation Phases                                     /15

Quality of projected adjustments for small groups and classrooms                                    /15

Background behavioural assessment information (the student in this assignment will be the same student as in the Functional Behavioural Assessment in Assessment Task 2)   /10

This section is about a summary of the findings that you discovered in the FBA data and analysis.
restate the final operational definition (function of the behaviour) so that anyone who is reading this will understand what the plan is for and what you are trying to achieve.
What did you discover? Who is the child? Where are they positioned in the school? Case study overview.
restate what previous interventions or how has the teacher/school tried to provide for this student prior to your FBA? How have they tried to change the behaviour etc prior to the FBA? What school mechanisms did they use? Who? What?

Quality of: Development, Implementation and Evaluation Phases                             /15
This is all about what you are going to do. What will your plan of action look like? Give the details. Work through Manual III (Gable, et.al , 2001) as a guide.
What will your intervention look like? What will you do and say? What resources will be needed? When are you going to say or do these things?
for a good plan you usually change the consequence or the trigger. What will you do in the classroom – environmental changes? How you respond?
Supports in place to ensure the student uses different behaviours to get something or to avoid something? How will you make this plan positive? How long does the plan go for? What are you trying to achieve? Just a few changes (make it simple)
How will you know your plan is working? How will you evaluate? What is the process? Looks like? Follow up plans? Who? What? When?
In providing a plan think of the APIE cycle a good instructional model that provides a good basis for a plan.

Quality of projected adjustments for small groups and classrooms                            /15
teach the student a new behaviour…what would that look like?
How will you make sure it is practiced in a classroom? How will it be embedded into the classroom and not a withdrawal program?
How to include reinforcing consequences in a classroom so it becomes a better behaviour to use – generalizing the behaviour?
How will we change the environment within the classroom to make sure that the replacement behaviour is used?

Teaching/intervention/instructional hints:
Eliminate or change the antecedent (can the trigger be modified that will improve the student’s functioning?)
Teach the student a different behaviour in response to the antecedent (eg teach a different response if work is difficult or confusing instead of acting out)
Does the student know how to do the behaviour? Are their consequences or other school-based supports in place for the appropriate behaviour? Are they enough?
Take a step back and think about the classroom. Do other kids behave OK? What are they doing differently? Can you use this to plan?
What things in the classroom environment need changing? Looks like?
What powerful positive reinforcers are there to encourage a different behaviour? What are they and why have you used particular ones? What do you do?
Attention or avoidance – determine the support that will change the problem behaviour to a positive one
You may need to change the environment if the consequence (such as yelling to get sent out and avoiding the work) was maintaining the problem behaviour. You may need to put in supports or change the activity etc to change the behaviour. OR may need to change the consequence.
Make access to a new reinforcer on improved behaviour. Be wary that you have small goals and lots of small rewards. Don’t make them wait too long…you will not get a good response.
When teach a new behaviour increase the opportunities to practice the new skill and more opportunities to reward. provide prompts, contracts, peer support etc