What is the historical significance of the argument developed by the author?

As indicated in the course outline, a report should meet the following criteria:§300-400 words(This is an exercise in synthesis! Make an economy of words and write only what matters.)§Your report should be written in English or in French.§Identify the thesis (main argument) of the author as well as the supporting arguments and summarize briefly the content (Briefly!)§Explain why the article isrelevant to the course. Here are some questions to consider when writing your analysis:•How does it contribute to our general understanding of the course material? •What is the historical significance of the argument developed by the author?•How do you link this interpretation to other interpretations or to collective memory?§Give a personal assessment (what did you think of the article and why?)§Use a proper citation method when referencing the author (Chicago style is preferred, refer to the syllabus)§Do notquote longsentences from the texts! Favor paraphrasing instead.