What role will historical research play in your work? What theoriesand conceptsrelated to Gothic Horrorwill you be applying to this topic?

ENG 510 (Section 011):Essay Proposal(15% of final grade)Due: Wednesday, October 28(via D2L by 11:59 p.m.)Length: 2 pages (double-spaced)Overview: The research paper is a significant piece of well-researched writing, and we all need to make sure everyone is on the right track before progressingtoo far in the work. Therefore, the proposal is a preliminary step that will allow each student to receive feedback fromthe Instructor. In the proposal, you should present a problem statementrelated to the Gothic novelthat you will explore more fullyin your paper. This topic must be related to either of the novels that we have already read: The Castle of Otrantoor Frankenstein. You need to explain why your topic is important. The bulk of the proposal should be a literature reviewof your key scholarly sources (a minimum of four).What role will historical research play in your work? What theoriesand conceptsrelated to Gothic Horrorwill you be applying to this topic? Checklist: More specifically, your proposal must include:1)Problem statement (including background context): approximately ½ page2)Rationale for the research (“So what?”): approximately ½ page3)Research questions: 3 questions, thorough & specific enough•These should be questions that you actually think are interesting!•What are you going to try to find out?4)Annotated bibliography: 4scholarly sources (at least), approximately 1 page•At least one source should present an alternative or contrasting perspective.•You mustuseeither or both of the following course readings: Freud’s “The Uncanny” or Modleski’s “The Female Uncanny: Gothic Novels for Women.”(Whichever you choose, it counts towards your 4scholarly sources.)•You must also use at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed articles from journals.•You can certainly use some (reliable) popular sources as well, but these must be in addition to the three(minimum) scholarly sources.5)Annotated bibliography: first paragraphs (summaries with definitions, etc.)6)Annotated bibliography: second paragraphs (connections to problem statement and one other source)7)Evidence of proofreading: MLAor APAstyle; spelling; punctuation; grammar; etc.
Annotated Bibliography:The first step is a full bibliographic reference for each entry (in MLAor APAstyle). Aftereach entry, there should be two brief paragraphs:•First:Summarize the most important points in the article or chapter that are related to your topic area. This will probably entail defining key terms, theories, or concepts.•Second:Address how each source will help you approach your problem statement specifically. Relate each source to at least one other source in your list. Do they complement one another? Contradict? Something else entirely?