Distinguish science from pseudoscience by identifying empirical approaches and evaluation of data as opposed to the use of anecdote or opinion.


This assignment is a case study based on current events. It is composed of an introduction followed by four

parts, with 11 questions in total for you to answer.


In completing this assignment, you will:

• Reinforce the steps of the scientific method.

• Distinguish science from pseudoscience by identifying empirical approaches and evaluation of

data as opposed to the use of anecdote or opinion.

• Recognize the use of incorrect terminology, inaccurate information, and bias in social media


• Learn basic vaccine principles including composition and immune response by recipient

• Understand the significance of herd immunity as it impacts the public health

Directions. To complete this assignment, you need to:

• Create a new word document to answer all questions in complete sentences. Responses given as

incomplete sentences will lose credit for that question.

• Number each of your answers 1-11. Do not re-write the question you are answering. The TA grading

your assignment will not hunt for answers if your just submit one long run-on paragraph containing

responses to all 11 questions. Any response(s) not clearly number 1-11 will lose credit.

*BEFORE submitting, make sure all the instructions are followed**

**CHECK rubric before submitting**

**Watch all the video links and articles**

**Reference page is NOT needed for this assignment**