Evaluate current health and safety Acts, Regulations and their application in the built environment with particular emphasis to the engineering and construction sectors.

A. Prepare a seminar paper on any one of the particular health and safety issues given below
(i.e. equivalent to 1,600 words).
1. Health and safety policies and strategies in the built environment: current benefits
and future challenges
2. Managing stress for better personnel productivity
3. Indoor environmental quality and well-being of workers
4. Health and safety information management: panacea for better health and safety

Learning Outcome(s) assessed
1. Evaluate current health and safety Acts, Regulations and their application in the built
environment with particular emphasis to the engineering and construction sectors;
2. Demonstrate a wide knowledge of the nature of human factors and their influence upon
safe work planning. Develop and apply human factor analysis to human errors in work place
3 Analyse working situations, develop and apply strategies which ensure effective
management of health and safety ;
4 Appraise the study of health and safety culture, the root of malpractice and consider
processes of development of accident free working environments by reference to case
studies and example situations