Provide an innovative solution to Antimicrobial Resistance (take some time to think about it).


In 250 words (or less) please provide an innovative solution to Antimicrobial Resistance (take some time to think about it). Your idea has to be novel, creative, and “feasible”. Examples of ideas that are obvious and not acceptable:

-limit the use of antibiotics in healthcare and agriculture

-stimulate the development of alternative treatments

But the above ideas can be novel if you provide a way to achieve these goals. For example:

-require physicians’ and vets’ prescriptions to become a public record

-create government-owned non-profit companies to develop antibiotics

-increase taxes to specifically cover AMR research and development (by how much? what is each person in the US would contribute $1/year specifically for that purpose…)

Take some time to dissect the problem and think about the problem/solution in a way that nobody has thought before.

Also, please see the attached file. It was written by Dr. Roy Curtiss (UF) and it may provide some ideas for this assignment