Define the policies used by the organization identifying the unique requirements of an industry

Term Paper: Security Administrator Handbook

One of the responsibilities of a Security Administrator is to create and document policies that protect the organization and guide users to making smart decisions. In this assignment you will build a handbook that can be used for such a purpose. The NIST’s Special Publications Website, a government operated Website, provides several documents for you to review in order to see examples that may be helpful to start this assignment (

Other helpful Websites for this assignment include: (
TechRepublic (
Publications from the Strayer Learning Resource Center are also available. Additional resources should be used when necessary. Write a twelve to eighteen (12-18) page Security Administrator’s handbook including policies tailored to your work environment or for a business environment with which you are familiar. You may select a fictitious name for your organization for the purpose of this paper. Do not duplicate your company’s existing handbook. Create your own unique work based on what you have learned in this course. There will be two (2) major sections of the handbook: Main Body and Policies.

Section 1: Main Body
In four to six (4-6) pages total, develop the basic procedures and guidelines that the organization must address to properly secure its corporate network and information assets in the followings seven (7) items:

Network Architecture and Security Considerations
Wireless Security
Remote Access Security
Laptop and Removable Media Security
Vulnerability and Penetration Testing
Physical Security
Guidelines for Reviewing and Changing Policies
Section 2: Policies
Develop the policies section of the handbook and include two to three (2-3) pages for each policy in which you define the policies used by the organization identifying the unique requirements of an industry. It must include, at a minimum, the following four (4) security policies:

Acceptable Use Policy
Password Policy
Incident Response Policy
User Awareness and Training Policy
To organize your policies and to give your policies structure, follow this sequential format:

Policy Statement
Procedures and Guidelines
Review and Change Management
Use at least four (4) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Please take a moment to review the Writing Guide documentation for details.
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow SWS or school-specific format.

Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the title of the company and industry, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.