Drawing on recent publications, find a case study in which changes in the macro environment play a major role in influencing a firm’s competitive strategy. Contrast this with a second case in which micro factors play a more important role.

Font: Times new roman.
• Font size: 12.
• double space.
• Align text to both the left and right margins.
• Number the pages.
• Word limit is 2000 words (text body only, +/- 10%); references are not included in word count.
• Marks will be awarded for the content, clarity, style, focus, creativity, originality.

Please include graphs and charts where appropriate to bring out the richness of the work. Thank you.

Assignment 2:

Drawing on recent publications, find a case study in which changes in the macro environment play a major role in influencing a firm’s competitive strategy. Contrast this with a second case in which micro factors play a more important role. Which of the two factors (i.e. macro and micro) are the most influential? Evaluate.

Answer the question as a continuous essay, presented in Harvard referencing style. The essay should be approximately 2000 words.
Be properly referenced and conform to an essay structure. That is, they must have an introduction stating the scope of your answer, paragraphs that focus on specific building blocks of the answer, and a conclusion that is based on the content of the answer and directly relates back to the subject of the answer. Each part must be written as a continuous discussion with no sub-headings or bullet points. The discussion must be supported by examples and references cited in the text. Use diagrams where appropriate. A list of references must be provided at the end, which must cite predominantly book/journal articles and authoritative sources.
This assessment tests your ability to achieve Learning Outcomes 1 and 2 for this module: Learning Outcome 1: Examine and critically assess how scarce resources get produced, consumed and allocated and how various stakeholders in the global economy make optimal decisions. Learning Outcome 2: Examine and critically assess the economic, market and political forces shaping the business environment. Drawing on recent publications, find a case study in which changes in the macro environment play a major role in influencing a firm’s competitive strategy. Contrast this with a second case in which micro factors play a more important role. Which of the two factors (i.e. macro and micro) are the most influential? Evaluate.
For each of the assessments, the following generic characteristics will be used as a basis for your grade:
Generic Characteristics: a) A clear understanding of the question; b) An answer that is focused on the question; c) A sound grasp of the knowledge and concepts associated with the topic; d) Evidence of reading; e) The use of examples; f) The ability to convey ideas clearly; g) The ability to present an argument and reach a conclusion from that argument; h) The ability to critically appraise subject material; i) The ability to assess and evaluate ideas; j) The ability to present original argument based on knowledge and understanding of the literature; k) A critical and reflective approach.