Identify two issues which is for physical it can be alcohol or smoking and mental issues can be she is confused e.g dementia or bipolar.


please read the case study on moira brown, using the 3 approaches to answer part of the essay which will be attached and have high lighted the approaches for you to see and pls use Roper logan and tierney to solve what affected her activities of daily living and i think under the Roper logan, maintaing a safe enviroment is the only one that apply to her.

1) introduction a brief of the case study, why you are using the Roper logan and your thesis statement

2) identify two issues which is for physical it can be alcohol or smoking and mental issues can be she is confused e.g dementia or bipolar.

when you are talking about alcohol , you need to be specific like how much unit she takes per day and finally, you need to use the 3 approaches related to health promtion which is primary, secondary and tertiary. dont forget you are using roper logan too.

be mindful of the word counts 350words pls

and pls very important use very very simple english as this is my first year so they dont expect too much. pls feel free to call me pls and pls relate this to mental health pls