What is Strategy”, explain how McDonald’s is positioned to compete against its rivals: Cost or benefit leader? Broad or narrow focus? Describe the distinctive resources and capabilities that McDonald’s has; and how those capabilities are leveraged to fit its strategic position. Discuss whether McDonald’s can sustain its competitive advantage. Which of the isolating mechanisms (i.e., impediments to imitation or early-mover advantages) will be key to its long-run profitability?

Per the HBS Case Study about McDonalds Corporation and Porter’s article “What is Strategy”, explain how McDonald’s is positioned to compete against its rivals: Cost or benefit leader? Broad or narrow focus? Describe the distinctive resources and capabilities that McDonald’s has; and how those capabilities are leveraged to fit its strategic position. Discuss whether McDonald’s can sustain its competitive advantage. Which of the isolating mechanisms (i.e., impediments to imitation or early-mover advantages) will be key to its long-run profitability? Please apply ideas, definitions from Porter’s article “What is Strategy?” as well as the ch.9 and 11 from the attached book and PowerPoints (which are “complimentary” to the book’s chapters 9 and 11). Use economics definitions in your analysis, apply AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE.