Explain Should you refuse the soda company’s funding in an effort to avoid sending children and families mixed messages about the healthfulness of soda? Or, should you accept the logo in exchange for the opportunity to send health education materials to many more people?

Select one of the following dilemmas to use as a “launching pad” for your discussion about ethical leadership in public health:
As director of a local Public Health Department, you are contacted by a local newspaper reporter for comment about the role of climate change on the health of the community.  While you are well aware of the negative impacts of climate change on the health of communities—particularly vulnerable populations in rural communities—you are also aware that the majority of county commissioners are deeply committed to political positions that include the denial of climate change.  Should you reply that you have “no comment” in order to avoid the controversy (and the potential negative impact on the allocation of local resources to your department) or should you make a comment that highlights the need for action to address climate change in order to protect the health of the community in the future?
As the health education supervisor in a rural county, you have very limited resources for printing educational materials.  You are approached by a local soda company that has is willing to donate the funds for printing “Eat Smart” brochures to be distributed at local schools, with the stipulation that the brochures include the logo of the soda company.  You are aware that the bottling factory employers many people in town, but you are also aware that nearly 35% of local children are overweight and that most children in the community consume soda regularly.  Should you refuse the soda company’s funding in an effort to avoid sending children and families mixed messages about the healthfulness of soda? Or, should you accept the logo in exchange for the opportunity to send health education materials to many more people?
As a member of the Board of Health, you are approached by a county official who seeks to re-route local funding for condom distribution and comprehensive sexuality education out of the school system to the local health department.  You know that the funds will be used less comprehensively with this arrangement because of the tiny percentage of youth who receive services or attend educational activities at the health department as compared with the public school system.  On the other hand, the Board of Health & Health Director are considering a reduction in the health education staff and this plan would help save one of the health educator positions.  Maintaining the health educator would allow for the continuation of a number of health promotion activities.  Should you accept the funds and preserve the health educator position or should you urge the county official to continue to fund the more comprehensive program within the school system.