Identify your patient and why you felt she needed teaching on the particular topic. How did you assess readiness to learn? What teaching methods are appropriate for this patient? What materials will you use in your teaching, brochures, videos, internet references?

Instructions: Identify a patient and topic to be taught. It can be related to newborn care or postpartum maternal care. There is a diversity of topics including, infant safety, circumcision care, Rh incompatibility, Postpartum complications, birth control, episiotomy care, breasting feeding, etc.
Identify your patient and why you felt she needed teaching on the particular topic. How did you assess readiness to learn? What teaching methods are appropriate for this patient? What materials will you use in your teaching, brochures, videos, internet references?

How will you evaluate the teaching—perhaps a short verbal quiz. Or demonstration by the patient.
Include a 2-3 page written description of how you chose patient and topic. How did you implement the teaching? What barriers to teaching were identefied. Include one evidence based article related to the topic taught.