Identify a public figure and provide an analysis and critique pertaining to the production and distribution of their auratic imagehood.

Assignment: 3-page (minimum) response paper, Times New Roman, 11pt font, double spaced.

Prompts (choose 1)

1. Consider the current social, political and economic climate of the 21st century, and provide a

critique of how photography exists as an instrument to these conditions.

2. Consider the advent of digital photography. Analyze and provide critique about the proliferation

of images that has ensued since digital photography’s creation. Be sure to identify how this

differs from previous analog forms of photography.

3. Identify a public figure and provide an analysis and critique pertaining to the production and

distribution of their auratic imagehood.

4. Interpret the following: if an image of a person exists on the web, must the person exist IRL?

(hint: interpretation lies within critiquing the value of the person versus the perception of the

person. (Can these even be separated?))

5. Identify a brand or company and analyze the intentionality behind the designing of their public

image. Be sure to consider how they’ve constructed their brand and through what means, and to

what audience(s) they aim to create appeal.