Discuss the relationship between your project and digital humanities, and the technique you are using, e.g. define and elaborate on text mining.


This Order is related to an advanced analytical research paper with the title: An explanatory study Of Humor using TEXT MINING techniques. This paper is supposed to: (detect humor in three novels using machine learning)( automatically extraction of the use of humor diction in the novels chosen)

the three novels are : Emma by Jane Austen, The Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K. Jerome, The Diary of a Nobody by George Grossmith and Weedon Grossmith .

I created a dataset and extracted it from Project Gutenberg, an online database of books both in textual and audio format. i selected three novels, Emma by Jane Austen (1815), The Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K. Jerome (1889), The Diary of a Nobody by George Grossmith and Weedon Grossmith (1892).

The chosen novels were found and downloaded from the Fiction shelf in plain text format, making them ready for automatic analysis using text mining tools.

For this order I need three pages total, divided as follows:

(One page introduction ): It should include the hypotheses and objectives of the paper. I will provide you with the hypothesis of my paper to include them and build the Objectives on them + I will upload a sample Introduction that was given to us by the teacher to follow the style and division of information.

the hypotheses are: 1/ the researcher assumes that there is a significant relationship between the literary diction automatically extracted from the dataset and types of humor identified in them.

2/ there is a significant relationship between bigram and trigram extracted from the dataset and types of humor identifies in them.

(The second and third page should include) :

For these 2 pages to be written you need to Run the code.

A Simple Natural Language Processing (NLP) with R is going to be implemented at first. Therefore, you need to be familiar with using the Rstudio in order to be able to run the code analysis automatically on the dataset, which is the 3 novels.

Then get the results after running the code and include them as a chart or table then in the 3rd page you need to explain the methodology process you used.

You have also to include other subsections under your methods: – Research Design and Methodology where you discuss the relationship between your project and digital humanities, and the technique you are using, e.g. define and elaborate on text mining.

– Experiment Design and setup, in which you explain the components of your code: what libraries you have used? what was your process (you can draw a diagram here and explain it)?

Kindly check the attached sample research paper and follow its division and style of writing ACCURATELY.

kindly avoid religious or sexual vocabulary.

thank you.