Discuss how key stakeholders have been managed and present the communication plan implemented during the project.

Create a project report for the development of a city i.e. constructing a bridge, power station development, renovation of a city centre, infrastructure projects by considering the importance of technology and sustainability.
1. Provide an overview of the project: including the purpose, concept and design of the project, the rationale behind, and planned outputs.
2. Evaluate the feasibility of the project using TELOSS framework.
3. Produce a scope statement including a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for your project.
4. Discuss how key stakeholders have been managed and present the communication plan implemented during the project.
5. Assess all resources required to implement a project especially assess the role and the importance of Information Communication Technology (ICT).
6. Critically discuss how 7S framework has been developed to address the major resource conflicts.
7. Produce the Gantt chart, network diagram and indicate the critical path.
8. Evaluate the outcomes of a project and provide recommendations for improvements to the project.