Discuss how the content of your theory and the course readings explain, contribute to and/or evaluate the social construction of gender in American society—both mainstream culture & Evangelical Christian culture (remember there is a diversity of opinion between sub-groups within evangelicalism).

Your PowerPoint presentation should be between ten minutes of speaking and 10 minutes of discussion. Each student will choose a theory from any of the reading we have done this semester and prepare a PowerPoint presentation on your theory and include discussion questions related to your theory. The gender theory PowerPoint presentation should use information from relevant assigned course materials in support and analysis of your theory. Consider: Is your chosen theory the most helpful way for understanding the gender phenomena we have discussed in class? Does your gender theory explain the construction of gendered reality? How?

The primary goal of your PowerPoint presentation is to set a context for our online zoom discussion, so introduce your discussion questions using material from your course articles, readings and multimedia material. Please discuss how the content of your theory and the course readings explain, contribute to and/or evaluate the social construction of gender in American society—both mainstream culture & Evangelical Christian culture (remember there is a diversity of opinion between sub-groups within evangelicalism).

At some point in your presentation please discuss at least five authors we are reading/viewing over the course of the semester who are not assigned for the class session during which you present. In other words, take a holistic approach when using your theory and course material to explain and substantiate your presentation. Summarize, critique and integrate assigned readings in your PowerPoint presentation.

MOST IMPORTANTLY—at the conclusion of your presentation—please prepare a specific plan [including discussion questions] for encouraging your colleagues to discuss, analyze, integrate and apply the main ideas of our course readings, relevant films and documentaries to your presentation. You might want to include a gender focused film, the choice is up to you. You are responsible for facilitating the seminar conversation—consequently, an in-depth knowledge and understanding of all the material assigned for your class session—including your article is essential.