Review the “Tesla’s” external and internal environment, strategic position (business, corporate and international level strategies) and to suggest ways to grow and improve its profitability (competitive advantage). Discuss the approach in detail how you will do this.


Business report

You have been recruited as a Business Consultant by the company “Tesla”. You have been asked to review the “Tesla’s” external and internal environment, strategic position (business, corporate and international level strategies) and to suggest ways to grow and improve its profitability (competitive advantage). Discuss the approach in detail how you will do this. You need to apply any academic models or frameworks (Porter’s Diamond of Location Advantage Model) that you would use to support your analysis.

Please note you MUST NOT contact the company as part of this exercise.

Use APA 7TH Edition Referencing Style

Report Structure:

Abstract (words not included in total word count)

Table of Contents (words not included in total word count)

Introduction (150 words)

§ Introduction to the report

Business Introduction (key events) (200 words)

§ Introduce “Tesla” and discuss the key events (important news) related to the company.

Application of strategic analysis models (External and Internal Environments, Strategic Position)

(1400 words)

§ External environment (1) (For example, remember PESTLE analysis is about external

environmental factors based on the company’s country of origin or the country of operation or the

country where the company is planning to launch their product. Make sure to focus on just one

country to do your PESTLE analysis and do justify the chosen country).

§ External environment (2) (For example, remember Five forces analysis is based on the industry

“Tesla” operates in. Therefore, when you are analysing for instance, the supplier power, state who

are the suppliers for “Tesla” and analyse whether the supplier power is high, low or medium.

Similarly, analyse the buyer power, the threat of substitutes, the threat of new entrants and the

competitive rivalry).

§ Internal environment (For example, Resources and capabilities analysis using VRIO model to

understand if “Tesla” is having competitive advantage or competitive parity in the market).

§ Strategic position of Tesla considering key models

Ø Business level: for example, Porter’s generic business level strategies (helps to identify

potential sources of competitive advantage and recommend strategies to enhance


Ø Corporate level: for example, Ansoff’s growth matrix (helps to look at opportunities to

grow revenue for a business through developing new products and services or tapping into

new markets), Boston Consulting Group growth share matrix (helps to evaluate the

strategic position of the business brand portfolio and its potential).

Ø International level: for example, Porter’s diamond framework (helps to identify and

analyse how/why home and host countries may benefit from competitive advantages

grounded in specific local conditions).

After you have done the external, internal and strategic position analysis, you can do a SWOT analysis

connecting Tesla’s strengths with the opportunities identified in the market and so on. This should then

help you to provide appropriate recommendations in the next section.

Recommendations (600 words)

§ Make sure to provide recommendations based on the analysis you have done in previous section

analysing external and internal environmental and strategic position analysis. The

recommendations should be underpinned by appropriate theories and should show consideration

of strategic options analysis.

Conclusion (150 words)

§ Conclusion to the report.

References (words not included in total word count) – Use APA 7TH Edition Referencing Style

§ You should make sure to use valid, reliable and up to date academic sources. Up to date meaning