Discuss What opportunity in this course had an impact on your major and/or career goals? What did you specifically learn from this opportunity that led you to this outcome?

Identify at least 3 activities you completed in this class that were most valuable and briefly describe each activity. Include a thesis statement at the end of the paragraph. (Example: My experience at Dining with Professionals, marketing club meetings and the Career Fair helped me identify that a major in marketing and a career in market research align well with my strengths and interests.)

They may include any combination of the following:
In class presentations (StrengthsQuest, LinkedIn, Branding, Student Panel, etc.)
Assignments (Informational Interview/Market Research, LinkedIn, Resume/Cover Letter, etc.)
Events outside of class (Club Meetings, Career Fair, Dining with Professionals, Mock Interviews, etc.)

So What
Reflect on your experiences within the course in relation to your major and career goals using both of these prompts. (Separate prompts into 2 paragraphs)

What opportunity in this course had an impact on your major and/or career goals? What did you specifically learn from this opportunity that led you to this outcome?

What have you discovered about yourself? What new understanding do you have about your strengths, interests, and professional passions? How have these discoveries influenced your major and career goals?

Now What
Finally, now that you completed and reflected on the opportunities in this class, identify your action plan. (Separate prompts into 2 paragraphs)

What 2 areas of exploration or questions do you need to investigate further, prior to graduation, in order to become successful in the business world? (Ex. Learning more about a specific career, exploring how to improve interviewing skills, researching different companies in the Fox Valley, etc.) *Do not list an action!

Share at least 2 action steps (at least one outside of the already established College of Business requirements) you will need to complete prior to graduation and specifically how you plan to complete them. Identify a specific timeline/deadline for completing the action steps – prior to graduation is not specific, September 2020 is specific. (Ex. Attending professional workshops, conducting another informational interview, utilizing the business clubs, etc.)