Describe the restructuring strategy which improved performance at Hewlett-Packard.

Describe the restructuring strategy which improved performance at Hewlett-Packard.

Identify and briefly discuss each of the three tests for determining whether diversification into a new business is likely to build shareholder value.

Briefly explain what is meant my each of the following terms:
relative market share
resource fit
a cash hog business
a cash cow business

A strategy of multinational diversification contains more built-in competitive advantage potential (above and beyond what is achievable through a particular business’s own competitive strategy) than any other diversification strategy. True or false? Explain and support your answer.

Which is the better approach to diversification—a strategy of related diversification or a strategy of unrelated diversification? Explain and support your answer.

Under what circumstances might an already diversified company choose to pursue corporate restructuring?

Peruse the business group listings for Ingersoll Rand listed at its website  How would you characterize the company’s corporate strategy? Related diversification, unrelated diversification, or a combination related-unrelated diversification strategy? Explain your answer.