Briefly explain the phases of PPC of at least one process/product, identify the main drivers or factors that determine its overall performance.

Students are required to develop a individual report addressing the following specific tasks set out in the guideline below. Task briefing

1) Choose a specific operations system within a specific industry.

2) Describe the lay-out of at least one process, tasks and inputs within the operations system and identify which typology of lay-out it is as well as its


3) Briefly explain the phases of PPC of at least one process/product, identify the main drivers or factors that determine its overall performance.

4) Identify the different elements that influences the quality of this operational system.

5) Propose different measures and actions to take to enhance the productivity and the quality of this system. Justify your answer.

Weight: This task is 60% of your total grade for this subject.


 Wordcount for both assignments: 2000-2500 words.

 Cover, Table of Contents, References and Appendix are excluded of the total wordcount.

 Font: Arial 12,5 pts.

 Text alignment: Justified.

 The in-text References and the Bibliography have to be in Harvard’s citation style.

It assesses the following learning outcomes:

 Outcome 1: Understand the production management within operation management.

 Outcome 2: Describe operations processes design and their management to contextualize and improve production performance.

 Outcome 3: Assess lay-out design and evaluate facility location.

 Outcome 4: Understand quality control components and measures.