What can happen to someone in this professional career if they violate the law?

What is your chosen health care career path? What is the name of a professional organization related to your chosen health care career?
How will your professional Code of Ethics help to guide you in making ethical decisions and adherence to good legal practices?
The Code of Ethics books is for the professionals to look at. This is the standards that a professional should hold. Following these standards will help you be a successful occupational therapsit.
Write at least one paragraph (8-10 sentences) that explains the relationship between your chosen healthcare career Code of Ethics and moral integrity.
What can happen to someone in this professional career if they violate their professional code of ethics/conduct?
When someone violates the professional code they could end up being punished for it by probation, suspension, or revocation (American Occupational Therapy Association, 2015). As an occupational therapist they need to make sure they are following the code of ethics.
What can happen to someone in this professional career if they violate the law?