Illustrate your understanding of what is needed to succeed at university and how study techniques can be used to your best advantage.


The task:

Illustrate your understanding of what is needed to succeed at university and how study techniques

can be used to your best advantage. Base your analysis on three of the study skills discussed in


The structure:

1. Which three study skills that you have learned about in this module do you find most

interesting? – Describe these three study skills.

2. How confident do you currently feel about them? – Rate your confidence level (1-10).

3. Which three study skills described in the first section do you most need to improve and


4. How will you develop the three study skills that you have identified for improvement? – Put

this into SMART goals S(specific) M(measurable) A(achievable) R(realistic) T(timed).

Please include cover sheet as the first page.