Discuss the relationship between the theoretical approach to international relations taken by Thomas Hobbes and John Mearsheimer (“realism”) and the theoretical approach to international relations taken by Nina Tannenwald and Martha Finnemore (“transnational constructivism”). Are these two approaches consistent with one another or are they contradictory?

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Discuss the relationship between the theoretical approach to international relations taken by Thomas Hobbes and John Mearsheimer (“realism”) and the theoretical approach to international relations taken by Nina Tannenwald and Martha Finnemore (“transnational constructivism”). Are these two approaches consistent with one another or are they contradictory? State a clear position on this question. If you believe the approaches are consistent, then explain how they can be synthesized or combined. If you believe the approaches are contradictory, then explain the specific contradictions and reasons why the two approaches lead to different conclusions.

You must defend your answer with a clear reference to course theories and concepts. You should discuss Hobbes, Mearsheimer, Tannenwald, and Finnemore. You may also find it useful to engage with other theories/authors from the course in developing your response. Ensure that your response demonstrates a mastery of each theory that you discuss.