Identify and discuss the management skills that each candidate possesses.

Analyze the three (3) candidate profiles the HR Director has provided to you.

Explain the strengths and weaknesses of each of the candidates.

Select the top (3) candidates and rank order them 1, 2, and 3. One (1) is the highest rank.

Explain why you would select the candidate you did as being your number first choice.

Explain, using your judgement, what each of the other 2 candidates lacked.

Candidate Summary of Transcripts

Management Skills

Identify and discuss the management skills that each candidate possesses.
Leadership Skills

Identify and discuss the leadership skills that each candidate possesses.
Leadership Style

Identify and discuss the leadership style of each candidate.
Candidate Recommendation

Recommend and justify the first (1st) choice candidate that Wiz Consultants recommends.
Rejected Candidate (second choice)

Explain the reasons Wiz Consultants second choice candidate was not selected.

Rejected Candidate (third choice)

Explain the reasons Wiz Consultants third choice candidate was not selected.

Create a concluding paragraph. The conclusion paragraph highlights the major findings covered in the paper.
References:APA style