Describe the historical aviation activity at the airport.

This paper is mandatory meaning a final course grade of F will be received for this course if it is not submitted. Conduct a capacity and site selection study at Deer Valley Airport, Phoenix, Arizona. You should do the following:
1. Describe the historical aviation activity at the airport.
2. Develop a forecast of total annual demand for the airport using a trend analysis. You
may use Microsoft Excel or other statistical software.
3. Determine hourly capacity, hourly delay and annual service volume for Deer Valley
Airport using the short-term planning methodology and FAA Figures provided in FAA Advisory Circular AC 150/5060-5, Airport Capacity and Delay. This methodology is also provided in Chapter 5 of the Aviation Planning textbook.
4. Select a suitable alternative site for Deer Valley Airport that could the same population as the existing airport.
5. Document your findings in a written paper.
6. Your documentation should be in the form of a written paper that includes the following