How has the European Union responded to the refugee crisis in the Mediterranean, what are the reasons behind its responses, and in what ways can it improve?

Question to answer:
How has the European Union responded to the refugee crisis in the Mediterranean, what are the reasons behind its responses, and in what ways can it improve?

The way the coursework has to be structured:
1. Introduction-3 sentences describing what the essay will discuss
2. Main body(argumentative part)- 90% of the essay providing the main points and arguments, supported by referencing of the external reading
3. Conclusion- 3 sentences, summarising the essay and the points discussed..

Reading provided for the essay:
‘Theory and Reform in the European Union, DN Chryssochoou etal,
MUP, 2018

‘Normative power Europe reconsidered: beyond the crossroads’ Ian Manners, Journal of European Public Policy, Volume 13, Issue 2 March, 2006 , pages 182 – 199

‘Europeanization and Conflict Resolution: Case Studies from the European Periphery’, Bruno Coppieters, Michael Emerson, Michel Huysseune, Tamara Kovziridze, Gergana Noutcheva, Nathalie Tocci and Marius Vahl , Journal of Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe, Issue 1/2004

‘Normative Dynamics and Strategic Interests in the EU’s External Identity’, Richard Youngs , JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 42 Issue 2, Pages 415 – 435

‘Europe’s Incremental Influence’, Rosemary Hollis (issue on the Middle East), International Affairs, Vol.73, No.I 1997

‘Assessing the Conflict Resolution Potential of the EU: The Cyprus Conflict and Accession Negotiations’, Doga Ulas Eralp, Nimet Beriker, Security Dialogue, Vol. 36, No. 2, 175-192 (2005)

‘The EU and Conflict Management in African Emergencies’, G. R. Olsen International Peacekeeping, Volume 9, Issue 3 Autumn 2002 , pages 87 – 102

Building a Bigger Europe: EU and NATO Enlargement in Comparative Perspective,
Martin A. Smith, Graham Timmins, Routledge 2017